In Dead Head Fred you have to avenge his own murder, and you'll use as a weapon, a variety of objects and even severed heads of enemies.
The unusual action adventure Dead Head Fred is created in an exclusive version for the PSP. The developers have prepared for us an alternative story 40-ies. Private detective Fred Neuman was brutally murdered by unknown assailants. As a result, surprising in a scientific experiment, Fred is resurrected, and intends to take revenge, but the main character is one big problem - he was left without a head - that's why he will use the heads of their enemies.
An interesting feature of the game is that each head is unique abilities, which will be to help Fred in his mission. You can change various heads on the fly, trying to pick the right tactics for each enemy, whether it's the usual gangster, shapeless mutant or another boss level. The developers promise us great graphics and a very comfortable camera, which will present enchanting act with the best hand.

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