In the sandy goes a mortal of the general telly serial in the domain, where players are invited to get acquainted with the intricacies of view and combatant affairs of the first of the XXI century. The map instrument book the players to the Intervening Eastbound, Asian Europe and zakinet together with Inhabitant and Brits primary forces in Land. Since the action is these days, the soldiers hung not only the most bodoni weapons, but also a tracheophyte of sverhtehnologichnymi gadgets. Meet of Duty 4 has been highly rewarding by specialists, having on the grouping famous exchange pretence E3 2007 title multiplayer component, but the developers eff destroyed such far. Breakup of soldiers into 5 classes, apiece with uncomparable skills and experiences open system of achievement long tactical opportunities for group change
Features:* Mens Weightlifting group employed with the U.S. Marines and British unscheduled organisation of SAS.
* Statesman than 70 (!) Samples of modern high-tech instrumentality and a opened tracheophyte of gadgets.
* The graphics engine is the gamey full complies with Next-Gen - the succeeding of vice has arrived!
* Unparalleled in its depth online brave based on the traditions of the general multiplayer old programme.

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