You may know played games that let you change what its equivalent to maneuver into the octagon - heres your essay to live what it takes to get there! Take similar an MMA paladin with this reciprocal shape challenge that whips you into conformation using UFC expertise and the state of Wii Event Controls. Action over 70 of the aforementioned exercises utilised by UFC fighters as you change your numerate body capability and conditioning. Mark unique ruffian groups in 51 recitation routines. Boost your shape objectives by crafting your own workouts and adjusting the magnitude to proceedings your own personalised execution
Releasers Notes:
Extract to .iso with WinRar and burn at 4 - 6 speed with IMGBurn using high quality discs, preferably Verbatim.
Update Partition removed :)
Burnt and Tested on 4.2 Softmodded Wii
In Order to play this Game your wii MUST be Softmodded or Hardchipped
Bringing you Quality Scrubbed Wii games for faster downloads,ALL games are tested and 100% Virus Free for your safety.
"Scrubbed" refers to using the program wiiscrubber. What this program does is
examine the game image and looks for what people call garbage or unused data. This is filler in the image that has no game data in it. Wiiscrubber takes this and converts the code to 0s so that the image will in turn compress much more. The result is usually a huge cut in size once the image is compressed. Some images will compress to only a few 100 mb! Keep in mind that when you extract these images, the images themselves will still be over 4gb in size. This process is intended to save space for storing your games as compressed files. The games will play exactly as unscrubbed images do, there is no game data missing. This entire process has already been done for you!

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