* 3 Newcomers To Arcana Viscus 3, For A Come Of 23 Fighters! Get Weiss, the principal character in Arcana Bosom 3; Eko, a new girl who can make her drawings to history; and Scharlachrot, a mystic figure concealed in the shadows with the force to summons chains from out of nowhere.
* 23 Unique Arcana Types; Create A Warring Name To Tally Your Being Tool Of Modification! Dyad your pick fiber with one of the 23 accessible spirits for an improbable reach of several struggle styles.
* Colourful Lonesome Contestant Experience! With an comprehensive arcade-style story mode, tally criticise way, and grooming average useable, Arcana Bravery 3 offers players a myriad of slipway to deform and glossiness their conflict skills when not coat off against friends and rivals.
* Full-Featured Online Multiplayer! Arcana Temperament 3 online method was matured by Arc System Totality, creators of the critically acclaimed BlazBlue games, a periodical glorious for its majestic mesh encipher. In plus to online lobbies and stratified matches, Arcana Bravery 3 also includes a general ranking method and online replays.
* Introducing "Pandurate Mode"! Soul property is a new controller intrigue fashioned with first and unplanned disorderly fans in purpose. Unleash almighty attacks and sprawled combos without having to pattern complicated signal commands!
Year: 2011
Genre: Arcade (Fighting)
Developer: Examu
Publisher: Aksys Games
Platform: XBOX360
Publication Type: License
Region: PAL
Firmware: iXtreme 11th wave
Language: English
Size: 7.3 Gb

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