2011 | XBOX360 | ENG/RF | Developer: Treyarch | Publisher: Activision | 998 MB
Genre: FPS
The company Activision and Treyarch studio released a trailer on the new DLC, Escalation, for the shooter Call Of Duty: Black Ops, which will present a network game mode, five new maps: Hotel, Convoy, Zoo, Stockpile and Call of the Dead
You will need two joystick! Otherwise, feel free to play with a hacked profile.
1. Insert a flash game or any other USB-drive in the console and format.
2. Copy to media content distribution:
2.1. In Folder Content 000000000000000 copy the folder c DLC. It is in this folder are the files play.
2.2. And the folder c profilkm copy the folder Content - a modified profile, which will bind the game to your console for one session and will run this game.
3. Sign the first joystick in his profile, and connect to Live.
4. Sign in with second joystick in profile and then start the game from the games store.
5. If you receive an update for this game, then apply it
6. Again, take the first joystick and all.

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